My friend Bill

Created by David 5 years ago

Bill and Jackie and I go back a long time, to Bangor North Wales in the early 70s. They lived across the street and we watched each other's kids grow up. I once challenged Bill to a race up Lon Cariadon or Love Lane. I gave up half way and he won. I also tried to teach him to drive. I gave up half way and he won again. In 1974 I left for foreign parts but kept in touch with the Tydemans and with Bill after Jackie died. 

Over the years we saw Bill infrequently, once in Devon and once in our place in France. But we exchanged Christmas cards as people do, and I used to call him when I heard that there were floods in the West Country. I wanted to make sure that his feet were dry.

Apart from sprinting up Love Lane, Bill was a mean hand at cherry picking. Here he is in the height of the season at our place in France. He wielded a mean colander. For that and many other talents I shall miss him greatly.


David H.


